[[en:richard-schuetze-wettfahrt:start|]] ====== Registration Richard-Schütze-Wettfahrt 2024 ======
Action mail info@ballon-bitterfeld.de Thanks "Thank you for your registration." Fieldset "Participant data" Textbox "Name" Textbox "First name" Textbox "Balloon indicator" Textbox "Balloon volume" select "Netless or Net" "Netless Balloon|Net Balloon" email "E-mail address" Textbox "Street-Number" Textbox "Postcode" Textbox "City" Textbox "Telephone landline" Textbox "Mobile-telephone" Fieldset "Remarks" textarea "Your message to us" ! static "The data collected will only be used by BiVfL for the organisation of the race." hiddenautoinc "Number" static "I hereby register for the Richard Schütze Race 2024." static: "After clicking submit registration, please wait for feedback from this page." submit "Submit registration"